March 5th, 2021
As you are aware, the Ministry of Education announced that school boards will begin offering asymptomatic targeted testing to students. Testing must be offered to at least 5% of the elementary and secondary schools within the school board each week and must provide this testing opportunity to at least 2% of their student population per week. In WRDSB, testing will be available for approximately six school communities a week. All testing is voluntary and free of cost.
Westvale PS has been selected to participate in this voluntary asymptomatic testing opportunity. Information on testing location, dates and times and how to register is included in the attached letter. We have also included a Frequently Asked Questions document that we hope you will find helpful and answer any questions you may have.
Life Labs will be doing the testing on behalf of the WRDSB as per the process outlined by the Ministry of Education.
Participating in the testing process is completely voluntary. We encourage you to make the best choice for you and your family.
Thank you for your continued support as we work together to keep our schools and communities safe.
Categories: COVID-19 Tags: Asymptomatic Testing · Ministry of Education