It’s hard to believe that this unique year is soon coming to a close!  The last day of synchronous learning for all students will be on Wednesday, June 23rd.  Teachers will be providing students with asynchronous learning opportunities that they can partake in from June 24th – June 28th (the last official day of school).

On Friday, June 25th and Monday, June 28th, students will be invited to have an opportunity to come to the school and briefly connect with their teacher at a designated location outside.  We are excited to be able to see each of our students and say “hello” and “good bye”.  We will also be using this opportunity to collect all of the Chromebooks and library books that we have loaned out (we are going to be doing a detailed inventory this summer and require everything back in order to do so).  Students will also receive any of their belongings from their teacher, along with their term 2 report card.  Please note that any belongings that are not collected by families will be shredded or donated.

Though we are very excited to be able to invite our students back to school, it is really important that we all adhere to health and safety protocols.  We would ask all families to abide by the following guidelines:

  1. Please complete the school COVID-19 screening tool prior to visiting the school.  If you do not pass the screening, do not come to the school.  Please call the school to make alternate arrangements.

  2. Students may be accompanied by an adult, but we ask that you do not travel in large groups.  Try to keep the number of people to a minimum (e.g. one student accompanied by one adult, if possible).

  3. Masks must be worn by everyone the entire time you are on school property.

  4. Ensure that physical distancing of 2 metres is maintained at all times between you and anyone who isn’t part of your household.

  5. Go directly to the location that your class “drop in” has been assigned to during the time frame your class has been assigned.

  6. Please do not congregate to socialize or linger to visit with other families.

Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate families who have children in different classes with the same drop-in times. Thank you in advance for understanding that this means some families will have to attend more than one drop-in  to see their teacher, return devices and library books, and get their report card, belongings and surprise treat bag.



Friday, June 25th, 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Mrs. Julian’s grade 4/5 class – please come to the parking lot doors by the custodial office where you entered each morning

Mrs. Baetz/Parkinson/Meyers’ Kindergarten class – please come to the door at the back of your classroom, room 8

Mlle Moser’s and Miss S’s grade 1/2 classes – please come to the primary doors on the tarmac where you line up to come in

Mr. Miller’s class – please come to the front doors of the school


Friday, June 25th, 12:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Mr. Bailey’s grade 5/6 class – please come to the parking lot doors by the MPR

Mme. Shusterman’s grade 5/6 class – please come to the kindergarten doors by the recycling bins where you line up in the morning

Mrs. Coombs’ grade 1/2 class – please come to the back door of your classroom by the school garden


Monday, June 28th, 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Distance Learning Students – please come to the front doors of the school to return your devices and library books.  Your report cards will be mailed to you, but we still have a surprise bag for you!

Mme. Beddoe’s grade 4/5 class – please come to the back door of room 17 by the parking lot

Mrs. Baranyai/Mrs.Nightingale’s Kindergarten class – please come to the kindergarten doors by the recycling bins where you line up in the morning

Mme Cloet’s grade 2/3 class – please come to the primary doors on the tarmac where you entered each morning


Monday, June 28th, 12:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Distance Learning Students – please come to the front doors of the school to return your devices and library books.   Your report cards will be mailed to you, but we still have a surprise bag for you!

Mrs. Theodosiou’s grade 3/4 class – please come to the back door of room 17 by the parking lot

Mrs. Quinton’s grade 3/4 class – please come to the kindergarten doors by the recycling bins where you usually enter the school

Mrs Hahn/Milne’s Kindergarten class – please come to the side portable door of rm 23