Dear Westvale Families and Caregivers,

Welcome to another week of learning at Westvale Public School. We’ve already seen lots of progress in our young students and we appreciate your commitment to your child’s learning. 

It is important for your child’s learning and development  to begin the school day on time. We begin the learning at 9 am and finish at 3:20 pm.  Please remember that you should sign in your child, if they arrive after the start of the school day and you also need to sign them out, if you are picking them up early. Thanks in advance for getting your child to school on time.

Here are some upcoming events to keep on your child’s schedule:

October 21 – A number of items are unclaimed in Westvale’s student “Lost and Found”. Please speak with your child to look in the wooden bins outside the gymnasium, if they are missing a sweatshirt, water bottle and so on. We will be donating any unclaimed items to charities at the end of the day on October 21.

October 21 – The Grade 6 Choir is singing “O Canada” at the Kitchener Rangers Game.

October 24 is a Professional Activity Day. There is no school next Monday.

October 31 is Black and Orange Day at Westvale. On Monday, October 31, students may choose to wear orange and black, their favourite outfit or wear their Halloween costume to school. If your child chooses to wear a costume, please avoid masks, make-up, props or any costume that represents someone else’s culture or religion. October 31 will be a normal school day and there will be no distribution of candy or food from or to students or staff. Children should be able to manage the costume they are wearing for the day. Please keep it simple.

Thank you for supporting your child’s learning at Westvale. 

Categories: Schools