December 9th, 2022
As the Winter Break comes closer, there are several events happening at Westvale.
Please take the time to read about the events and important reminders for our Westvale families
Food Drive
The Annual Winter Food Drive is coming next week. On December 12 to 16 Westvale will show our community kindness and caring by bringing non-perishable food items to the Gym Doors before or after school (8:45 – 9:00 am or 3:20 – 3:30 pm)
You may choose to donate at
Westvale has a proud tradition of supporting the Food Bank of Waterloo Region and vulnerable families in our region. This year the Food Bank needs us more than ever.
Toonies for Nutrition for Learning
A postcard from Nutrition for Learning is coming home with your child. Each day at Westvale hungry students are lucky to have the chance to eat food provided by Nutrition for Learning. We hope you will support this organization who gives so much to Westvale. Please send the postcard back with a toonie taped to it. We’ll collect the postcards in the office to send to Nutrition for Learning.
School Council Pizza Night
School Council wanted to let everyone know that our first pizza night of the year was a success! Westvalians bought 70 pizzas which resulted in $210 back to the school! Great job everyone! School council’s next pizza night will be in February with a third and final night in April!!
Parking Issues
Families are reminded that there is no parking in front of the school as it is a bus loading area and there are no stopping signs posted by the city.
There is also no parking for school families in the parking area in front of the daycare. That parking is designated solely for daycare families.
The main parking lot is for staff parking. Families are asked not to park in the parking lot after 8:35 am. Employees are encountering problems with finding a parking spot in the lot in order to get to work. Thanks.
Lost and Found
From December 19 to 21, we will set out all the items found in our school’s Lost and Found on tables at the front of the school. Students will have a chance to look through the items. Families and caregivers are also able to come after school (3:20 to 3:35 pm) on those dates (Dec. 19 to 21) to double check for their children’s belongings.
Winter Pizza Order
The school pizza order for the winter months will come out via School-day next Wednesday, December 14. For those who order, pizza will be available every other Friday starting on January 13.
Families will need to order through School-day. The deadline for the winter orders is December 21 at the end of the school day. We are purchasing pizza from Panagos and we are offering cheese pizza, pepperoni pizza and Halal chicken pizza. A slice of pizza may be purchased for $1.75 through School-day. For the six Fridays of pizza, you will pay $10.50 for a slice every other week.
Winter Assembly
On December 21 students will be participating in a Winter Assembly. It will be a fun sing-along activity to build school spirit. It will take place from 12 pm to 1 pm. It is not a student performance.
Caregivers are welcome to come and sing along. Limited seating will be available as student seating is the priority for the school assembly. Families are asked to be respectful participants and not take photos or videos during the sing along. We do not have permission from all of our parents to record their children. Caregivers are asked to sign in at the office as visitors to the school.
Belongings brought home on December 23
On December 23 students will be bringing home all of their personal belongings such as indoor shoes and any clothing they may be storing at school. Pencil cases and personal desk supplies may remain at school. Our custodians will be working hard over the two weeks to clean hallways and classrooms thoroughly.
We will return from the Winter Break on January 9 and indoor shoes and any necessary extra clothing should be sent to school with students at that time.
Thank you to the Westvale community for your support in 2022. We look forward to supporting your children’s growth in 2023.