January 20th, 2016
Children born in 2012 are eligible to begin Junior Kindergarten in September 2016 and children born in 2011 (that have not already attended school) are eligible to begin Senior Kindergarten in September 2016! Please check School Finder to determine which public school your child will need to register at based on your address.
New this year, registration forms will be completed online. Beginning Friday, January 22, 2016, there will be a link on our website (wsv.wrdsb.ca) called, “Kindergarten Registration”. Please click on this link to complete the Registration Forms.
Once you have submitted the forms online, the next step will be to call the office, 519-746-6724, between 10:30 & 2:30 to set up a registration appointment. Appointments will be a time for you to bring in your supporting documentation such as Proof of Birth, Proof of Address and/or Permanent Resident Card to be checked and your registration forms will be verified. Appointments will be no more than 15 minutes in length and will be scheduled for the week of February 8th to 11th.
Please fill out your child’s immunization information prior to your appointment by clicking Immunization. This information is collected by the Region of Waterloo Health Department and will not be required at the registration, but should be submitted before September, 2016.
If you do not have access to a computer, forms can be sent home (upon request) with a Westvale sibling or completed during your scheduled appointment.
Additional information regarding Kindergarten can be found at www.wrdsb.ca/earlylearning. and at Getting-ready-for-school. We look forward to our new kindergarten parents joining our Westvale community.
We would appreciate your help in spreading the word to neighbours and friends who do not already have a child in school that registration begins at this time of year. It is important for the Board to collect information in February to prepare for class sizes and staffing for the coming year.