It is a busy week at Westvale Public School. As we prepare for the winter break, the following activities are happening.

Lost and Found

From today until December 21, we have put out all the items found in our school’s Lost and Found on tables at the front of the school. Students will have a chance to look through the items. Families and caregivers are also able to come after school (3:20 to 3:35 pm) tomorrow or Wednesday to double check for their children’s belongings. After Wednesday, the remaining items will be donated to local charities.

Winter Pizza Order

The school pizza orders for the winter months (every other Friday starting on January 13 until the end of March) are due via School-day by the end of Wednesday December 21.

We are purchasing pizza from Panagos and we are offering cheese pizza, pepperoni pizza and Halal chicken pizza.. For the six Fridays of pizza, you will pay $10.50 for a slice every other week through School-day. Each slice of pizza is $1.75.

Winter Assembly

On December 21 students will be participating in our Winter Assembly. Students are excited to have another assembly and it will be a fun sing-along activity. Caregivers are welcome to come and sing along too. It will take place from 12 pm to 1 pm.

Limited seating will be available for parents. To protect the privacy of our students, families are not to take photos or videos during the sing along. Caregivers are asked to come to the side door by the gym and sign in and out as visitors before taking their seats. Strollers will not be taken into the gym to make more room for parent seating. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Dec. 23 – “Comfy, Cozy Day”

On Friday, December 23 it will be “Comfy, Cozy Day” at Westvale. Students will wear what they are most comfortable wearing to have a cozy feeling at school that day.

On Friday morning, primary students will be gathering as a group in the gym to watch “Mr. Popper’s Penguins”. In the middle block of the day, junior students will enjoy watching “Snow Time” as a group in the gym.

Students will also be bringing home all of their personal belongings such as indoor shoes and any clothing they may be storing at school. Pencil cases and personal desk supplies will stay at school. Our custodians will be working hard over the two weeks to clean hallways and classrooms thoroughly.

School will begin again on January 9 at 9 am.  We wish you joy and peace over the winter break and we look forward to working with you again in 2023.