January 12th, 2023
Please remember that tomorrow, January 13, is the first student Pizza Day for the winter term. Participating families signed up for the pizza before the Winter Break.
We would like to thank the Westvale community for your support of the broader community of Kitchener-Waterloo and Cambridge. In December, we collected $333.25 for Nutrition for Learning. There were also on-line donations in addition to the toonies we collected at the school.
For our Westvale Food Drive, we collected 622 pounds (282 kilograms) of food and $487.24 was donated online to the Food Bank of Waterloo Region. We are thankful that our school community was so generous.
Friday, January 20, 2023, is a professional development (PD) day for elementary school staff. Students will not attend school. The focus of the PD Day will be teacher-directed assessment and evaluation activities. Paraprofessional staff (EAs/CYWs) will be participating in full-day centrally-run learning activities that will include training opportunities.
Categories: Schools